5 Days Itinerary in Seoul to Nami Island (Infographic) - I Am The Flashpacker


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Sunday, July 16, 2017

5 Days Itinerary in Seoul to Nami Island (Infographic)

This time, I would like to share my 5 Days Itinerary in Seoul, which I visited back in 2015. It was my first time visiting Seoul the land of K-Pop (I am not a big fan of it, but I do love Korean Girls :P).

5 Days Itinerary in Seoul to Nami Island
5 Days Itinerary in Seoul to Nami Island

My first impression about Seoul was cold (literally). Because I visited in early Spring. So, you really need to prepare well for the weather, based on my experience it's colder in Seoul than in Japan while in Winter or Spring seasons.

For my first visit, my itinerary is based on the mainstream Seoul destinations, because I really want to blend in with the city, get to know the routes, subway, where local eats or hang out, etc. Basically, for me, the first impression is essential that's why following the mainstream destinations is a must.

Additionally, I had the chance to visit Nami Island and the surrounding destinations, it was an awesome one day trip, this is a must-visit, I really recommend this one.

I made the infographic by days so you can easily understand it.

5 Days Itinerary in Seoul to Nami Island (Infographic)

5 Days Itinerary in Seoul to Nami Island
5 Days Itinerary in Seoul to Nami Island 1 
5 Days Itinerary in Seoul to Nami Island
5 Days Itinerary in Seoul to Nami Island 2

Here you go! Hopefully, this itinerary is useful for those of you who are going to visit Seoul for the first time and if you want to know how to buy T-Money, a useful payment card for any transportation in Seoul, click the link below:

Additionally, I have Japan itinerary that you might find it useful for 12 days Kansai to Kanto region, covers Osaka, Kyoto, Shirakawago, Tokyo, Yokohama and many more, click the link below:

12 Days Itinerary in Japan: Kansai to Kanto

See you in the next articles, don't forget to follow my Social Media account:
  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Twitter

Note: For the detailed story about this trip and the cost that I spent kindly visit my other blog here: Pengalaman Perdana 5 Hari di Seoul


ex pramezty said...

please receive the PDF version of this Itinerary. (eka_pramesty90@yahoo.com)

Deffa Utama said...

Okay I'll send the PDF version to your email. Thanks

Unknown said...

Bisa tolong kirimkan detail itinerary ke email ajeng1724@gmail.com
Terima kasih sebelumnya

Unknown said...

Haiii... Aku ingin minta itinnya Dan dikirim ke email yulinurul13@gmail.com

Thanks before 😄

Mommy Kece said...

Hello Deffa
boleh minta itinerary PDF file dikirim ke email : rita.alexa@yahoo.com
Thanks yaa..

Anonymous said...

Hello, can you kindly send your itinerary to me too? mutiarapss@gmail.com
Thanks :)

Bhi said...

Hi minta itin korea seoul ini ya Thanks ya hehe
Suka bacanya

Bhi said...

Hi minta itin seoul ya Thanks ya hehe

Unknown said...

Mas Deffa boleh ya dikirimin PDF versionnya ke sarah.megadhani@gmail.com
Artikel mas Deffa enak dibaca dan jelas, makasih banyak yaaa

Deffa Utama said...

To all, I am sorry for the late reply. Thank you for reading my blog. I'll send to you the itinerary ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Mas boleh minta tolong dikirimkan ke vkhen88@gmail.com untuk itinerary nya? Terima kasih sebelumnya

Deffa Utama said...

ok nanti saya email ya

Unknown said...

halo ka defa ! boleh saya minta intin nya? tolong email kan ke ameliahaidy7@gmai.com ya ka terimakasih banyak sebelumnya
enak dibaca & jelas tulisan nya ^^

Deffa Utama said...

Halo Amelia,

Baik nanti saya email juga ya

Unknown said...

Halo mas deffa, boleh minta itinerary nya, tolong d email ke dini.henicatering@gmail.com
Trm ksh

Unknown said...

Hallo mas deffa, boleh minta itinerary nya,
Ke dini.henicatering@gmail.com
Trm ksh

Deffa Utama said...

Halo mba Dini,

Okay nanti saya email ya. Thank you

Unknown said...

Hi mas Deffa, kindly please kirimin artikel lengkap 5 day in Seoul nya ke email ku agathapritania@gmail.com versi jpeg bple pdf juga bole hehe.. Uda baca2 itinerary lain tp punya mas Deffa paling komplit dan paling detail juga hehe.. Makasih banyak yaa..

Deffa Utama said...

Okay Agatha, nanti saya email juga ya. Thanks :)

Tiffany Fortunatan said...

Mau itinerarynya dong, emailku fortunatan.tiffany@gmail.com
Lagi planning mau ke Korea spring tahun depan nih 😁 Thanks before ya

Deffa Utama said...

Hi Tiffany,

Oke nanti saya email file yang update ya :)

Anita_Puspita_Sari said...

Mas Deffa boleh email itinerary nya ke anita.psari79@gmail.com
Udah di seoul baru selesai conference... bsk mulai jalan2. Tq

Deffa Utama said...

Hi Anita,

Kalau perlu cepat bisa download imagenya yang di artikel ini aja: https://www.iamtheflashpacker.com/2018/11/6-days-itinerary-in-seoul-k-pop-edition-infographic.html

Klik images nya bisa di download kok. :)

Anonymous said...

Mas deffa aku mau dikirimin itinerary ke seoul perdana 5 hari juga yah ke emailku alzice@yahoo.com..terima kasih banyak

Deffa Utama said...

Halo alzice,

okay nanti saya email juga ya

Unknown said...

mas deffa bagi donk itinerary ke seoul perdana 5 hari, saya juga pertama kali dan maunya backpacker, tolong ya email ke desnalanxiang@gmail.com... thanks alot yaaa...

Deffa Utama said...

Halo Desna, baiklah nanti saya email ya :)

Unknown said...

mas daffa tolong ya itinerary, saya juga perdana mau kekorea, email ke desnalanxiang@gmail.com
terima kasih

hatfina said...

Kak, kira berapa budgetnya untuk 5 hari itu ?

Deffa Utama said...


Cek cerita lengkapnya disini: http://deffautama.com/2018/01/14/5-hari-di-seoul-bagian-1/

Anonymous said...

Hi Bang...keren banget tulisannya.. boleh tlg kirimkan Itinerary nya by email bang, Tq ya bang.. :) Email : astutiwidya1539@yahoo.com

Deffa Utama said...

Hi Astuti,

Thanks udah baca, okay nanti saya email juga ya

Nia said...

Hai Deffa...
Tulisan nya sangat informatif..Boleh minta itinerary nya?Minta tolong dikirim ke email niabudikurniati170883@gmail.com
Bulan April saya dan suami perdana ke korea.Terima kasih ..

Deffa Utama said...

Hi Nia,

Terima kasih sudah membaca, baik nanti saya email ya

hera said...

Hai mas Deffa, boleh minta itinerarynya ga mas? Klo boleh, tolong kirim ya mas ke emailku hera.annisa@gmail.com ,, makasih banyak sebelumnya :D

hera said...

Hai mas Deffa,, boleh minta itinerarynya ga mas? Klo boleh, tolong kirim ke emailku hera.annisa@gmail.com ,, makasih banyak sebelumnya :D

Anonymous said...

Hay Mas Deffa,
Blognya memberi pencerahan banget, bisa detail sampe costnya berapa yang keluar..
Kalau boleh mau minta itinerarynya Mas hehehe..

Email saya liana.sharen12@gmail.com
Terimakasih sebelumnya ya Mas..

Gronica said...

Malam, boleh minta email itinerary gak dan rute untuk ke tempat wisata serta biaya yg di keluarkan?

Jika boleh, bisa di email ke gronicakaka@gmail.com

Makasih ya sebelumnya

Deffa Utama said...

Hi Gronica dan semuanya,

untuk cerita lengkapnya bisa cek kesini ya: http://deffautama.com/2018/01/14/5-hari-di-seoul-bagian-1/